Helpful Tips for Preschool Parents

  • Read stories to your child each day.  Talk about the pictures and characters, name objects you see, explain vocabulary words

  • Sing the ABC song.  When you see letters in the environment, point them out and name them or ask your child what letters they see

  • Count objects up to 10 or farther if your child can count to 10.  When at the grocery store, count the fruits you put in a bag or cans you put in the carriage

  • Name colors all around you

  • Allow your child to play with playdough

  • Provide opportunities for your child to use scissors and cut paper.  Your child can randomly cut paper or as they get better at using scissors, cut on lines or cut out objects

  • Allow your child to use pencils to write and crayons to color

  • Sing silly songs or recite rhymes and fingerplays

  • Establish a predictable routine

  • Engage your child in preparing foods and/or snacks

  • Allow your child to open/close ziplock bags or containers

  • Help your child learn and practice zipping their own jackets or to get dressed on their own

  • Offer your child different choices throughout the day

  • Provide your child with lots of praise

  • Prioritize outdoor play with your child as much as possible and limit screen/tablet time

  • Allow your child to help with simple chores (wiping part of the table, folding face cloths, sorting socks, feeding the pet)

  • After your child plays with his/her toys use a song and try to clean up before the song ends

  • Establish limits for your child and be consistent